On the 14th of November we will find out who will receive the Coryphaeus of Polish Music Award. Among the nominees in the Event of the Year category was the Meccore String Quartet for their excellent performance of string quartets by Konstanty Regamey, Roman Palester and Stefan Kisielewski, composers associated with the parisian "Kultura" magazine.
Ruch Muzyczny praises on-line performance in the Oskar Kolberg Philharmonic
Don't miss the upcoming on-line concerts
Two productions recorded especially for classical music listeners from USA will soon be available online, as part of the tour canceled due to the pandemic restricions.
Christmas with Beethoven
Spend your Winter Holidays with the gems of chamber music recorded in the frame of the 7th Days of Music in Cracow. In this year’s edition of the festival, devoted entirely to the music of Ludvig van Beethoven and streamed online, you can listen among others to String Quartets op. 18 no. 2 and op. 132 of the Viennese Master recorded by the Meccore String Quartet.
Forgotten gems of Polish chamber music
In the frame of a recording project, Meccore String Quartet had a pleasure to resurface the forgotten gems of chamber music by three extraordinary Polish composer - Stefan Kisielewski, Roman Palester and Constantine Regamey.
Meccore joins ZOOM Creators
We’re happy to announce that the Meccore Quartet starts cooperation with ZOOM in the frame of the “ZOOM Creator” program, which promotes artists and their music recorded by ZOOM portable recorders.
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stage for polish music by IMIT
We’re happy to announce, that Meccore Quartet’s artistic project won the approval of IMiT and thus will be featured in the frame of the “Stage for Polish Music” by a series of concerts in major venues throughout Poland.